Glutathione is a very powerful antioxidant and detoxifier. Our bodies need glutathione in order for our detoxification pathways to work properly. We need glutathione to flush out toxins, pollutants, heavy metals, etc. from our bodies. Children on the autism spectrum (including ADD/ADHD) are usually low in glutathione. Those with the MTHFR gene polymorphism are also low on glutathione. Most chronic diseases are associated with low glutathione levels.
Here are some links to some must read articles about glutathione:
Asparagus contains more glutathione than any other food. As such, it is often recommended for children on the autism spectrum (see above article). Also, tylenol depletes the liver of glutathione, and has been implicated as a cause of autism. According to one study, children under five who receive tylenol after the MMR vaccination are 6 times more likely to develop autism than those who did not. Read about it HERE (seriously, click on this one), and HERE (pdf). Do not give your children tylenol (acetaminophen) before or after their immunizations!